Marketing Design BY The Sunflower Ladies
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Please take a look at some of the products I sell online.

If you have a design you want on your business cards send it to me with a email.I can place it on your website.If there is a design you want on your business cards or address labels on the internet give me the website and I can put it on them.

Pricing for business cards vary on how may you want and what you want on them and what kind of paper you want me to use.

If there is a picture on my website you would like on a business card let me know I can do it also.


I could also place this picture on a business card.


I am just giving you some ideas with these pictures what I can put on buisness cards.

Let me design your business cards.

Buy now!


This would make a pretty card also

 Prices range from 5.00 to 80.00

Depending on what you want plus shipping.

Thanks for visiting my website and come back again don't for get to sign my guest book and leave your website for others to see.


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